Sleeping on the hay.
CHECK in after 4pm / CHECK out to 10amm

Sleeping on Hay

A rustic apartment near the donkeys. Close your eyes, smell fragrant hay, and  nature around you. The welcoming warmth of grasses from Istrian meadows will make you feel like a child again.  Just a two-minute walk from La Casa di Matiki.

Sleeping on Hay

Sleeping in the hay (2 persons) is also available to guests for 50€/night. The hay apartment is located 200m away from Matiki and includes a solar powered shower and an outdoor grill. No electricity. Lanterns and candles provided. During summer (27.05 – 10.09), please add an additional 5€ per person per day in order to use Casa Matiki facilities such as the swimming pool, WiFi, gardens, and patio. Breakfast is not included.

Included with Sleeping in the Hay:

Two Sleeping Bags
Shower in Bathroom
Casa Matiki Pool
Stone Grill and Oven for cooking
Free Wifi Internet in Main House
Free Parking

Hint: Bring a flashlight! There was no electric power 100 years ago! Enjoy the adventure!

Additional Charges:

Bedlinen – 5 € per person
Extra bed – 10 €
Laundry – 7 €
Homemade Breakfast Buffet- Adults  15 €/person, Children – 7.5 € (up to 12 years), under 2 years free

Tourist Tax for Zminj:

1.04. – 30.09. = 1,60 €
ostalo razdoblje = 1,10 €
Djeca:   12 – 18 godina = 50 %
ispod 12 = besplatno

Prices & Booking

REZERVACIJE primamo putem emaila ili tel 0038598299040  .
Čekamo vas biti će nam drago ugostiti vas .

*Daily rates
**To secure and finalize reservation 30% of total amount is required as a deposit.

Contact us for reservation

15 + 14 =

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